Hosting on Zoom

Steps to create a Zoom webinar link and use it with Starstream.

You can create Zoom live streams and sell tickets with Starstream. Note that the webinar option that allows you to create a livestream instead of a meeting is only available with the paid subscription.

Here are the steps to schedule a zoom livestream (webinar) and get its link using the web (browser) version and the Windows app:

Using the web version

  1. Open Zoom’s web version. Sign into your account by clicking on Sign in in the top right corner and following the login steps.

  1. In your Zoom main dashboard, click on Schedule.

  1. In the next screen, type the name of the online stream, date, time and duration.

  1. Scroll down, select the time zone and click Save. You have scheduled the live stream.

  1. To get the link to it, you will be automatically redirected to the page of the newly created event. Scroll down and you can see the link. At the bottom, you will also see Convert this Meeting to a Webinar. Click on it to make the event a webinar or online live stream instead of a standard zoom meeting.

  1. If you are subscribed, the meeting will be converted. If not, this message will ask you to subscribe to the webinar plan. Click Buy Webinar Plan to subscribe.

You have now got the link of your online live stream via Zoom, and you can use it with Starstream.

You can return to the created meeting to edit its details, start streaming, get the link or convert it to the webinar by following these steps:

  1. From your main dashboard, click on Meetings. Click on the meeting you have created.

  1. You will find all the details. Scroll down to find the link to the event.

Using the Windows app

  1. Download the Zoom Desktop Client, if you don’t already have it. Open it, and login into your account.

  1. From your main dashboard in the app, click on Schedule.

  1. Type the name of the event or stream and input the date, time and timezone. Click on Save.

  1. From your main dashboard, click on Meetings.

  1. Select your event from the menu to the left of the screen, and click on Show Meeting Invitation.

  1. You will your event link and you can copy it.


If you need to change the Zoom meeting to a webinar, to be a live stream instead of a meeting, you need to use the web version of Zoom with the steps in the first section of the article.

Last updated